Seattle Insurance Rates:

Seattle ,WA Home Insurance - The cost of homeowners insurance is influenced by a range of factors, including the value of your coverage, deductible, and the construction materials used in your home.

VHome Insurance conducted a thorough analysis of the Seattle, WA homeowners insurance market, taking into account factors like average costs, range of coverages, deductibles and customer satisfaction ratings to determine the best providers. The Average home insurance cost in Seattle, WA is $1362. Enter your zipcode below and click “GO” to get multiple free quotes.

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Home Insurance Companies in Seattle, WA: Customer-Reviewed Options


Seattle, WA Homeowners Insurance Rates by Coverage Level

It is important to understand the different coverage options available in Seattle, WA. VHome Insurance will help you navigate the world of homeowners insurance coverages in Seattle, WA.

Coverage Level Average Annual Premium
$100,000 $545
$200,000 $926
$300,000 $1,144
$400,000 $1,743
$500,000 $2,193


Seattle, WA Homeowners Insurance Rates by ZIP Code

Home insurance costs in Seattle can vary greatly based on location. The frequency of claims in your area can affect the cost of your policy. Simply put, the location of your home can significantly impact your homeowners insurance premium.

Zipcode Average Insurance Premium
098112 $1,433
98199 $1,384
98119 $1,377
98105 $1,423
98115 $1,370
98109 $1,348
98177 $1,354
98103 $1,358
98116 $1,340
98117 $1,358
98136 $1,325
98107 $1,340
98104 $1,285
98122 $1,341
98102 $1,358
98121 $1,324
98144 $1,325
98101 $1,328
98126 $1,287
98125 $1,303
98118 $1,292
98133 $1,280
98106 $1,262
98134 $1,220


Seattle, WA Homeowners Insurance Deductibles

One key aspect of your policy is the deductible, which is the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in. Choosing the right deductible can have a major impact on your insurance premiums and overall savings. In this guide, we'll help you understand the options available for homeowners insurance deductibles in Seattle, WA, and how to choose the right one for your needs.

Deductible Level Average Annual Premium
$500 Deductible $1,396
$1000 Deductible $1,249
$1500 Deductible $1,178
$2500 Deductible $1,062
$5000 Deductible $899



Top Home Insurance Agents Near Seattle, WA

Home Insurance Company Near Seattle, WA Homeowners Insurance Agency Near Seattle, WA Address
Liberty Mutual Independent Carriage Insurance Agency 301 Bendigo Blvd N North Bend, North Bend, WA, 98045
Travelers Homer Smith Insurance Inc 804 WATER STREET, PORT TOWNSEND, WA, 98368
Liberty Mutual Independent Otter Insurance Agency Inc 20102 CEDAR VALLEY ROAD, LYNNWOOD, WA, 98036
Travelers Professional Insurance Group Inc 555 116TH AVE NE STE 111, BELLEVUE, WA, 98004
Allstate Thida Sin 10423 Main St Ste 1A, Bellevue, WA, 98004

Seattle, WA Home Insurance Agents for Top Companies


Seattle, WA Auto & Homeowners Insurance Bundling Discounts

Place 1 Car Bundle Savings On Insurance 2 Car Bundle Savings On Insurance 3 Car Bundle Savings On Insurance
Boulevard Park CDP, Washington $75 $100 $150
White Center CDP, Washington $75 $99 $149
Mercer Island city, Washington $94 $125 $187


Seattle, WA Area Home Insurance as a % of Housing Cost

PlaceHome insurance as a % of housing cost for homes with mortgageHome insurance as a % of housing cost for homes without mortgage
Seattle, WA2.4%8.1%
Boulevard Park2.77%7.09%
White Center2.73%9.03%
Mercer Island1.66%7.01%

Seattle Renters Insurance as a Percentage of Rent

Seattle Home By Monthly Rent Total Homes % of Total Estimated Monthly Income To Afford Rented House Including Renters Insurance
Less than $200 3,292 1.0% $320
$200 to $299 5,905 2.0% $770
$300 to $499 8,068 4.0% $1220
$500 to $749 22,902 11.0% $1895
$750 to $999 54,668 27.0% $2645
$1,000 to $1,499 65,759 32.0% $3770
$1,500 or more 38,890 19.0% $5420

Cost Of Homeowners Insurance By Street Near Seattle, WA

Streets in Seattle Area Homeowners Insurance Cost
SW Normandy Rd, McGilvra Blvd E, NW 65th St, NW 42nd St, 8th Ct NE, NW 173rd St, N 37th St, S Massachusetts St, SW 152nd St, Perkins Ln W$647
21st Pl NE, 83rd Ave S, 26th Ave SE, W Lee St, 68th Pl S, 20th Pl NE, SW 118th St, E Superior St, Gale Pl S, 42nd Ave E$614
NW Dock Pl, 118th Ct SE, Stendall Dr N, N 168th St, 83rd Ave S, Marine View Pl SW, S 207th St, W Roberts Way, Carter Pl, N Allen Pl$721
Renton Pl S, NW 120th St, S Oxford Ct, 58th Ave SW, Alaskan Way W, 29th Ave, NW 62nd St, Gilman Ave W, SW 209th St, N 198th St$619
Taylor Ave N, E Gwinn Pl, NW 52nd St, 29th Ave W, Harrison St, E Hamlin St, S 107th St, Beach Dr, S 106th St, E Green Lake Way N$620
N 169th St, Malden Ave E, NW 39th St, S 117th Ct, S 183rd St, Strander Blvd, Maynard Aly S, 47th Ave W, SE 228th Pl, 12th Ave$647
Pacific Hwy Brg, Waters Ave S, N 100th St, S 141st St, W Argand St, SE 251st Ct, N 125th St, NE Elk Pl, Patten Pl W, S 141st St$660
SW 99th St, 96th Way, Dr Jose P Rizal Brg, 12th Ave W, Ursula Pl S, 22nd Ave W, Minkler Blvd, S 289th Pl, Kimberly Ave, S 167th Pl$700
34th Ln S, N 137th St, E Louisa St, 15th Ave W, 12th Ave E, SW Walker St, S 256th St, 77th Ave S, S 154th St, Raymond Ave SW$617
44th Pl NE, Yale Ave N, S Donovan St, 47th Pl NE, N 174th St, NE Campus Pkwy, SE 203rd St, S 226th St, N 182nd Pl, Meridian Pl N$674

Seattle, WA Home Insurance Savings For Senior Occupied Homes

PlaceSavings For Senior Occupied Homes
Seattle$94 to $96
Boulevard Park$90
White Center$89
Mercer Island$112

Seattle, WA Home Insurance Costs With Deductible Scenario

Low DeductibleHigh Deductible
Yearly Seattle Homeowner Insurance Premium Example $600$400
Out of Pocket Expense During Claim$1,500$2,500
Total Home Insurance Premium for 8 years + Out of Pocket Expense for Claim $6,300$5,700
Net Savings to Seattle Home Owner from High Deductible Plan $600


Seattle, WA Home Insurance Costs With Home Replacement Value Scenarios

Scenario Seattle, WA Home Replacement Value MORE than Home Value Seattle, WA Home Replacement Value LESS than Home Value
Replacement Value $390,500 $273,000
Insurance Premium based on Replacement Value $1,025 $700
Risk Exposure from Under Insuring Coverage Unnecessary Home Insurance Coverage of $72,500 Risk Exposure from Under Insuring Coverage is $45,000
Premium Impact Insurance cheaper by $125/year Insurance costlier by $200/year


Example Seattle Homeowners Insurance Comparison Table to Compare The Cheapest Quotes

Insurance Company Chubb Group of InsuranceGEICO InsuranceState Farm
Monthly Premium 1517046
Year Built 199719482010
Home Details 5 Beds, 4 Baths4 Beds, 3 Baths2 Beds, 1 Baths
Coverage Amount $500000-$600000$300000-$350000$200000-$250000
Deductible $500 Deductible$1000-$2500 Deductible$500- $1000 Deductible