How Much Does Naperville, IL Home Insurance Cost?

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Naperville, IL Average Homeowners Insurance Cost


Homeowners Insurance Cost - Naperville, IL


Median Home Value - Naperville, IL

Naperville, IL Homeowners Insurance Cost Based on Deductible

Deductible Home Insurance Cost Discount Homeowners Insurance Cost
$500 Deductible -$15.64 $1,287.36
$1000 Deductible -$138.38 $1,164.62
$1500 Deductible -$206.66 $1,096.34
$2000 Deductible -$307.77 $995.23
$2500 Deductible -$367.45 $935.55

Naperville, IL Homeowners Insurance Cost by on Age of Home

Age of Home Home Insurance Cost Discount/Excess Home Insurance Cost
Newly Constructed Home -$261 $1,042
30 year old +$20 $1,323
40 year old +$34 $1,337
50 year old +$50 $1,353
Above 50 year old +$63 $1,366

Naperville, IL Homeowners Insurance Cost Based on Construction Type of Home

Construction Type Home Insurance Cost Savings Home Insurance Cost
Fire Resistive -$182 $1,121
Superior -$117 $1,186
Masonry -$65 $1,238
Brick -$65 $1,238
Hail Resistant Roof -$26 $1,277

Naperville, IL Homeowners Insurance Cost for Homes with Swimming Pools

Type Homeowners Insurance Cost Increase Homeowners Insurance Cost
Owning A Swimming Pool +$26 $1,329
Swimming Pool With A Diving Board +$52 $1,355
Swimming Pool With Slide +$78 $1,381

Naperville, IL Homeowners Insurance Discounts for Homes Near Public Safety Departments

Type Homeowners Insurance Cost Savings Homeowners Insurance Cost
Fire Station $39 $1,264
Police Department $13 $1,290

Naperville, IL Homeowners Insurance Percentage Increase Based on Claims Filed

Type of Claim Homeowners Insurance Cost Increase Homeowners Insurance Cost
Filing a Second Fire Claim +$547.26 $1,850
Filing a Second Liability Claim +$495.14 $1,798
Filing a Second Theft Claim +$495.14 $1,798
Filing a Second Water Claim +$429.99 $1,733
Filing a Fire Claim +$260.6 $1,564
Filing a Liability Claim +$247.57 $1,551
Filing a Theft Claim +$247.57 $1,551
Filing a Water Claim +$208.48 $1,511
Filing a Weather Claim +$208.48 $1,511

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