Homeowners Insurance Minnesota

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Average Homeowners Insurance in Minnesota: $1,020

Median Home Price in Minnesota: $177,700

Minnesota homeowners insurance rates in December 2013 stood at an average of $1,020 as compared to $1,020 in November 2013.

Insurance Premium Saving Tips in Minnesota

  • Bundle your insurance:

    Bundling home and car insurance in Minnesota with the same provider will have approximately $102 to $153 of savings in Minnesota

  • Safety Systems:

    Having safety systems at home can save up to $179 in Minnesota

  • New Home:

    If your home was built within the past 10 years in Minnesota, you could save up to $204

  • Senior Discounts:

    Senior citizens (55 or older) in Minnesota could save approximately $204

Homeowners insurance cost by coverage

Insurance rangeAverage homeowners insurance cost($)
$49,999 and Under138
$50,000 to $74,999334
$75,000 to $99,999625
$100,000 to $124,999769
$125,000 to $149,999870
$150,000 to $174,999960
$175,000 to $199,9991,043
$200,000 to $299,9991,197
$300,000 to $399,9991,414
$400,000 to $499,9991,715
$500,000 and Over2,467

Renters insurance cost by coverage

Insurance rangeAverage renters insurance cost($)
$13,999 and Under115
$14,000 to $19,999125
$20,000 to $25,999128
$26,000 to $31,999141
$32,000 to $37,999133
$38,000 to $43,999156
$44,000 to $49,999158
$50,000 to $74,999188
$75,000 to $99,999 237
$100,000 and Over313

Average homeowners insurance by county

CountyHome Insurance Cost
Meeker County$858 to $1164
Roseau County$829 to $1126
St. Louis County$849 to $1150
Lyon County$847 to $1150
Polk County$839 to $1139
Pine County$853 to $1158
Stearns County$863 to $1169
Beltrami County$851 to $1156
Renville County$829 to $1125
Ramsey County$882 to $1194
Otter Tail County$859 to $1164
Washington County$901 to $1222
Faribault County$822 to $1114
Redwood County$822 to $1116
Isanti County$869 to $1181
Chisago County$882 to $1197
Kandiyohi County$859 to $1165
Douglas County$872 to $1184
Anoka County$879 to $1191
Goodhue County$869 to $1180
Big Stone County$821 to $1115
Dakota County$893 to $1209
Wilkin County$829 to $1129
Itasca County$855 to $1159
Le Sueur County$868 to $1180
Hennepin County$897 to $1214
Cass County$865 to $1177
Grant County$827 to $1123
Kittson County$812 to $1102
Pipestone County$821 to $1116
Mille Lacs County$855 to $1160
Houston County$853 to $1158
Marshall County$823 to $1115
Blue Earth County$859 to $1164
Stevens County$837 to $1138
Brown County$839 to $1137
Mower County$832 to $1128
Pope County$849 to $1155
Lake County$850 to $1157
Lac Qui Parle County$818 to $1110
Swift County$823 to $1119
Benton County$858 to $1164
Carver County$913 to $1238
Lincoln County$819 to $1111
Clay County$856 to $1159
Todd County$841 to $1145
Carlton County$858 to $1164
Chippewa County$827 to $1124
Nobles County$829 to $1128
Clearwater County$836 to $1134
Cook County$890 to $1219
Becker County$862 to $1170
Wright County$879 to $1191
Olmsted County$865 to $1171
Waseca County$848 to $1151
Koochiching County$824 to $1124
Hubbard County$862 to $1171
Pennington County$827 to $1125
Kanabec County$854 to $1158
Morrison County$856 to $1161
Norman County$820 to $1111
Mcleod County$858 to $1164
Dodge County$858 to $1164
Scott County$902 to $1226
Fillmore County$846 to $1149
Rock County$833 to $1132
Cottonwood County$821 to $1112
Nicollet County$862 to $1170
Red Lake County$820 to $1112
Martin County$828 to $1126
Sherburne County$878 to $1191
Yellow Medicine County$828 to $1124
Mahnomen County$825 to $1123
Murray County$823 to $1119
Lake Of The Woods County$833 to $1149
Jackson County$825 to $1121
Aitkin County$863 to $1173
Sibley County$850 to $1153
Crow Wing County$868 to $1180
Winona County$858 to $1164
Rice County$875 to $1188
Watonwan County$825 to $1121
Freeborn County$832 to $1128
Traverse County$811 to $1103
Steele County$856 to $1162
Wabasha County$856 to $1164
Wadena County$834 to $1134

Recent home insurance reviews

Company: State Farm,
Location: None

We get our homeowner's insurance through State Farm. annually, we pay $2000 for our insurance. It gets paid through our escrow account. We've filed a claim once when hail and wind damaged our roof. I am very satisfied with State Farm insurance. I have no complaints! The customer aerobics is very good also. They have always been kind and knowledgeable when calling with questions or concerns.
Before we switched to State Farm, we had Progressive, and I was not happy with them at all. Our homeowner's premium went up $1000 without any reasoning as to why. That is the reason we switched over to State Farm Insurance for our homeowner's needs.

Home Insurance Monthly Trends

The below graph compares Minnesotas home median prices against, renters and owners home insurance average rates in Minnesota.

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