Tempe is home to approximately 1.64.139 residents. It is a city that fosters incredible local food, family-friendly attractions, arts, and cultural programs. Tempe is one of the best places to settle. Even with various resources and programs, Tempe is known for its crime rate. The rate of crime in Tempe is 89.12% of 1,000 residents. The chance of being a victim is as high as 1 in 7. Hence, Tempe residents must take homeowners insurance into serious consideration.
The average homeowners insurance rate in Tempe is $794. Homeowners in Temper can take several precautions to protect their families and houses from burglaries and fires. One way is by installing advanced security features, including deadbolts, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors at home to prevent damage. Here, homeowners can avail of discounts on homeowners insurance rates in Tempe offered by insurance providers.
Refer to the chart below to understand the cost of insurance based on the safety features.
Burglars tend to skip homes equipped with certain home safety devices like deadbolts, smoke detectors, and fire extinguishers. Houses with deadbolts and fire extinguishers in Tempe, AZ, pay $723 and $715, respectively. In addition, homes equipped with burglar alarms and lightning protection pay $723and $779, respectively, on homeowners insurance in Tempe, AZ. Hence, insurance companies offer discounts for homeowners who have installed these safety devices.
Insurance providers also offer discounts on premiums for newly constructed homes. The age of the house plays a significant role in determining home insurance rates in Tempe, AZ. For instance, houses constructed 40 or 50 years ago pay a premium of $815 and $825, respectively, in Tempe, Arizona. On the other hand, newly built homes are less prone to damage. Therefore the premium charged by the insurance providers is less. Newly built homes in Tempe can avail of lower insurance of $612.
Other than that, insurance providers consider the material used to construct the home to determine the home insurance rates in Tempe, AZ. The material you choose dramatically influences the total cost of building the house and affects its durability and resilience to natural disasters. For instance, a home constructed of hail-resistant roofing is offered at premiums as low as $770.18 in Tempe, AZ. Homes built with Masonry and Fire resistive Brick are offered at $754.3 and $706.66, respectively. Thus, the premium charged will be higher if you use low-quality materials to construct your house.